Layers of Gratitude

The past couple of months have honestly felt like a couple of years. Between the pandemic outside of my home and the chaos inside of it, days have become pretty long. Add together the pent-up toddler, the teething infant, numerous loved ones who are “high-risk,” 10 extra quarantine-pounds, and mounting cabin fever…

-it can quickly become A LOT.

Every time I’ve found myself at a low-point, there’s been one common thread: I am spending more time worrying about what good things I might lose, instead of focusing on the countless good things I still have.

What I’m missing in these dark moments is gratitude.

For my own benefit, and maybe as a valuable exercise for others who are struggling, here is a non-exhaustive list of things for which I am grateful:

My family: my incredible wife, myself, and our two smart + sassy girls are all healthy. We are lucky to ALL be safely sheltering at home. Plus, we are blessed that our dozens of extended family members living all over the country have all managed to avoid COVID.

My home: even though I feel like the walls are closing in around me, at least I have walls. I am blessed with a comfortable home. Although it can feel small when my kids get crazy, there are MANY people with FAR LESS space (or no space at all.)

My job: while “I sell bird feeders.” is probably the least-sexy answer to, “What do you do for a living?”, the layers of my job prove how awesome it is. First of all, I HAVE a job. (Not a given right now.) Second, I have a job that allows me to work from home. Third, I have a boss who is more concerned about my health than her business. Fourth, I have a job that multiplies my individual “success” into much more meaningful job opportunities for workers with disabilities. (Who are far better at the whole ‘gratitude’ thing than I’ve ever been.)


I can already feel my blood pressure dropping. Hopefully this has helped you find some better head-space, too. Make it a great weekend!

Author: Nathan Odell

Published: May 15, 2020