“Seriously!? A bird feeder as a gift?” Yes, seriously- but not just ANY bird feeder. We are talking the only bird feeder that gives you all of the birds, with none of the bother. When so many of us are running around feeling overworked and over-stressed, gifts that reduce anxiety and help us “recenter” can go a long way to tangibly improving our day-to-day lives. If you are someone who has (or wants) a reputation for selecting only the most unique and thoughtful gifts, hear us out!
Thankfully, more people are coming to appreciate the need for a “Tech-Life Balance”- the idea that WE ALL need a break from our screens on a regular basis. Many people are jumping in kayaks, hiking, exploring the woods, camping, fishing, and hunting on the weekends! The problem comes when it’s time to “head back to work”. Too many of us go a whole week (or longer) consumed by the demands of our daily life, to the point where we forget to inject a little nature-based reprieve into our schedule. That is what bird feeding can offer you.
Practice an old theater trick for a moment, and ‘suspend your beliefs’. Imagine that something simple, and natural, could bring about a feeling of calm. Imagine that simply having something to look out (and look up) to could pry your eyes away from the screen for a moment of two. Imagine that watching creatures like birds, and squirrels, and chipmunks could break-up your internal self-talk long enough for you to reset and realize that things really aren’t as bad as they seem.
THAT is what we are talking about here! THAT is the unique gift you should be giving to the busy, stressed, and screen-consumed loved one in your life!
Now, not all bird feeders are created equal. The old-school bird feeders pawn-off the maintenance to the user. We’ve fixed that! Our patented bird feeding system allows people to spend their time enjoying birds- rather than cleaning up after them. With our system there’s NO MORE: heavy lifting; or, scoops; or, funnels; or, storage bins to keep rodents out of seed bags; or, scrubbing dirty, gross feeding surfaces.
We eliminated the worst part of feeding birds, so our customers can focus on the best part: ENJOYING them! Give a thoughtful gift that will help bring a simple, quiet peace to your overworked, over-stressed loved one’s day.